Airbus and Boeing walk away from air show with half the orders of last year

Skift Take

For most of us, $52 billion wouldn't be a bad week's worth of work. But the decline in orders this year speaks to the caution even the ambitious lines in the Middle East and Asia currently have.
Source: Los Angeles Times Author: W.S. Henigan As one of aviation's foremost showcases comes to a close, the world's largest plane makers have secured fewer lucrative orders than last year because of ongoing concerns about the global economy.

Some of the largest deals this year that took place at the Farnborough International Airshow in England are expected to affect thousands of suppliers in Southern California that make aircraft parts.

Aerospace giants Boeing Co. and Airbus reported orders valued around $52 billion at Farnborough, which kicked off Monday and will run through Sunday. That's a pittance compared with deals made at last year's Paris Air Show -- Farnborough and Paris alternate each year -- where the plane makers r