7 Charts Forecasting the Behavior of U.S Luxury Travelers in 2016

Skift Take
Money can't buy priceless memories, but it can buy everything that leads to them. Travel rather than material possessions is the new luxury for affluent travelers who want an experience that takes them further than their living room sofas.
With luxury travelers, having the most exciting experience to brag about to their peers carries more weight than possessing the latest iPhone or Lamborghini.
In fact, some 80% of U.S. luxury travelers would choose a luxury experience over a luxury item, according to a new report from Martini Media. The report details the online behavior of three key segments of the affluent/luxury traveler market: the hyper affluent, 3% of Americans with at least $250,000 in annual household income; the mass affluent, one quarter of the U.S. population who falls in the $100,000-$249,000 income range; and the emerg